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How to Start Using a Web Hosting Account

Starting with a web hosting account is an essential step in launching your online presence. Whether you’re setting up a personal blog, an e-commerce website, or a professional portfolio, a hosting account serves as the foundation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started: Step 1: Choose the Right Hosting Plan Before diving into […]

5 Linux commands to check free disk space

Keeping track of disk utilization information is on system administrators’ (and others’) daily to-do list. Linux has a few built-in utilities that help provide that information. Linux df command The df command stands for “disk-free,” and shows available and used disk space on the Linux system. df -h shows disk space in human-readable format df -a shows the file system’s […]

How to use a Private key for SSH authentication

What’s a private key? Even the most complex passwords cannot match the cryptographic strength of private keys. With SSH, private keys significantly improve security by relieving users of the burden of remembering complex passwords (or worse yet, writing them down). Let’s first Open a terminal and generate a private key. Step 1 : Check to […]

How to Disable SSH Password Authentication

As long as you use strong passwords, it is not necessary to disable SSH password authentication for your server; however, you can disable it if you would like. Before you proceed, keep these things in mind: You should only disable SSH password authentication if you are extremely familiar with public key authentication and understand the potential consequences of […]

Download and Install WordPress Via the Shell Over SSH and With WP-CLI

Installing WordPress often takes a lot of steps: downloading and uncompressing a zip file, uploading files to the server, and setting up the database and config. That can take a lot of time. Or you can do it by using the Fantastico or SimpleInstall utilities available via your host’s control panel. There is nothing wrong with […]

ISPConfig change port – How to change the default port

Why do we need to change the default port? Generally, we change ispconfig port to another for security reasons. By default we access the admin panel of Ispconfig via http://ip-addresss:8080. However, most often our customers prefer to change that port to another. A major benefit of changing the default port is that we can deter […]

3CX Outbound Rules – A Complete Example

Configuring Outbound Rules on 3CX Phone System is a very simple affair if you have a single device or service which you deliver calls with – in most cases a single rule will be enough. But the Outbound Rules in 3CX Phone System allows you to create much more complex rules – allowing you to […]

CredSSP Encryption Oracle Remediation

There is a critical security vulnerability found in the Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP) that could potentially lead to remote code execution. This vulnerability allows an attacker to intercept and relay user credentials, enabling them to execute malicious code on the targeted system. CredSSP serves as an authentication provider for various applications, making any […]

Install Windows On A Kimsufi, SoYouStart Or Other Server Completely Free

So you want to install Windows on your OVH VPS? That’s possible! I created some cool templates that have been tested and confirmed working on these OVH VPS servers. It even works on the cheapest VPS plan OVH offers, the one with just 10GB disk space, isn’t that awesome? Just follow this tutorial and we […]

How to Change Your WordPress URL (4 Easy Methods)

Your WordPress address and site address (or URL) are very important as they reference both the address of your site on the web and the location of your site’s files and admin screens. There are many reasons why you might need or want to change your WordPress URL. Perhaps you’re changing domains, moving to a subdomain, updating from […]